The Outer Gallery West

This area continues the exploration of mathematics from early human civilisations.

Outer Gallery West

  • Discover the mathematics used in the Americas.
  • Find out who were the first to use negative numbers and who had possibly the earliest zero.
  • Learn about magic squares and what makes them magic.
  • Study the simple mathematics of encryption.

This area continues the exploration of mathematics from early human civilisations. Dive into the mathematics from Early Chinese dynasties, as well as mathematical mysteries from the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilisations.

Explore the history of Magic Squares and even see on display an original magazine article about Magic Squares written by Benjamin Franklin dating back July 1768! Also discover more about the mathematics behind encryption, decryption and code-breaking which are all extremely important in today’s technology reliant world.

Learn more about our store, where every purchase supports The Mathema Foundation

Get in touch

2557 Mount Mee Road
Ocean View QLD 4521

Enquiry form

We aim to promote the importance of mathematics within the community by helping prospective students and educators harness the skills that will enable them to thrive in an increasingly mathematical world.

Open Thursday - Sunday
10am - 4pm
2557 Mount Mee Road
Ocean View QLD 4521
2024 © Mathema Gallery

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