One of the main tasks of the Mathema Foundation, with the support of Mathema Publishing Pty Ltd, is to produce and distribute book materials. The books will be produced as part of a series which explores the evolution of mathematics from ancient times up until the present day.
This book challenges the conventional belief that mathematics originated with the Greek civilisation. In fact, the development of mathematics has a fascinating history that is spread across 4 non-European continents (Asia, Africa, North America, and South America). The history is long, with recorded events spanning back more than 5000 years.
There are isolated artifacts that indicate some type of mathematics before this time, and these unknowns are still being archeologically analysed. The ancients did not have the benefit of complex algorithms or precise measuring tools like we have today, but somehow they managed to cope just fine. In this book, find out how they did it!
We aim to promote the importance of mathematics within the community by helping prospective students and educators harness the skills that will enable them to thrive in an increasingly mathematical world.